DJ Mag Top 100 Clubs in Thailand!
Thailand has a thriving nightlife scene with many top clubs located around the country! Thailand has become a popular landing spot for many of the world’s top DJ’s from around the world to perform. With its elite clubbing status, it is no surprise that Thailand lands on top club lists regularly. DJ Mag has recently released their DJ Mag Top 100 Clubs list for 2020 and Thailand is well represented. Behold the Thailand clubs making the list!
Illuzion Nightclub Phuket – #21
Facebook: Illuzion Phuket
Onyx Bangkok – #64
Facebook: OnyxBKK
Insanity Nightclub Bangkok – #70
Facebook: Insanity Nightclub
Congratulations to Thailand’s entries in this years Top 100 list! We look forward to their list return in 2021. We hope that other deserving Thailand clubs will join them!
To stay up to date on current club events on Facebook, please follow Clubbing Thailand on Facebook and Clubbing Pattaya on Facebook.
As always, has you covered for the biggest and best club events in Thailand. For DJ Festivals, and Thailand DJ Festivals on Facebook has you covered!
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